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Webinar Syllabus: Finding Royal Connections in Your Family Tree


So, you think you’re descended from royalty? You might be surprised to learn that a large number of Americans can claim descent from European nobility. In this lecture, Researcher Zachary J. Garceau will help you navigate some of the first steps in uncovering and proving your descent from British, French, and German royalty from the 10th through the 17th centuries. We will also look at several go-to published and online resources that can assist you along the way.

This syllabus is intended to accompany our online lecture Finding Royal Connections in Your Family Tree (archived recording as of 12/17:

It includes the key information covered in the session, plus several additional resources and weblinks. Once purchased, the handout will be delivered to your email inbox.

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Created by Zachary J. Garceau

Published: December 2021

PDF Download, 23 pages