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Tracing Your Galway Ancestors


A comprehensive guide to tracing families in the City and County of Galway. Galway is home to a diverse population whose culture and history has been shaped by the barren landscapes of its Western seaboard, or the rich farmlands at its Eastern end. In the centre is the historic city of Galway, an ancient trading port and home to the 14 ‘Tribes’ whose story is central to that of the county. Many have emigrated, particularly in the aftermath of the Great Famine. The population dwindled from 441,810 in 1841 to 214,712 in 1891. Genealogical records are also diverse, varying from sparse in the Western areas to extensive for Galway city. This book sets out the records available to the family history researcher, where they can be obtained and how to use each to best effect.

By Peadar O’Dowd