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Phippen Genealogy: Ancestors and Descendants of David Phippen (c. 1585-1650) of Melcombe Regis, Dorset, and Hingham and Boston, Massachusetts


By John S. Fipphen and Richard C. Fipphen


6" x 9" hardcover, 360 pages

This book covers the origins of the family in England, where, before 1600, the name was variously spelled Fippen, Phepen, Phephyn, Phepyn, Phippen, Phippin, and Phippinge. Today, the surname has two principal spelling variants in the United States: Phippen and Phippeney. From the late 1600s, Phippen has been used by the descendants of Joseph2 Phippen, while Phippeney (and its variants) has been used by the descendants of James3 Phippeney. David Phippen and his family departed for New England in 1634 aboard the ship Recovery. In 1635 they were some of the original settlers of Hingham, Massachusetts, before finally settling in Boston in 1641.