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Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire

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Originally published in 1908, Pioneers of Maine and New Hampshire is a solidly researched precursor to the Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire . Author Charles Henry Pope relied on colonial, town, church, court, and other contemporary records to create a list of original immigrants to the area and compile biographical information for each. Organized alphabetically by surname, the book includes an index of names not treated with their own entry.

By Charles Henry Pope

History and Antiquities of Every Town in Massachusetts

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American historian and engraver John Warner Barber (1798–1885) was well known for his books on local, state, and national history. This work, organized by county, gives historical background on all the Massachusetts towns that existed at the time of publication in 1839. Barber supplies facts and details of each town’s early settlement, including original Native American place names, and he presents statistics on local industries and agriculture, descriptions of landmark architecture and cultural organizations, and brief biographical sketches of historic residents.

Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey

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First published in 1844, this collaboration of American historians John Warner Barber (1798-1885) and Henry Howe (1816-1893) was Howe’s second book with Barber, the first being their “history and antiquities” of the state of New York. In the style of their other works, this is a first-rate gazetteer. Readers will benefit greatly from the township index at the beginning of the book. Information about the history, geography, industry, population, and more is organized by county; within each county are details on select townships, also in alphabetical order.

Genealogical Notes: First Settlers of Connecticut and Massachusetts

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Originally published in 1856, this is an essential resource for anyone with early Connecticut and Massachusetts ancestry. It presents compiled genealogical notes for more than 40 families, through the fourth generation, and some­times into the sixth. An ideal starting point for beginning researchers, the detailed notes will have researchers of all levels returning to this book time and again.

By Nathaniel Goodwin

Foreword by D. Brenton Simons

Published: 1856, 2011

Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire

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This book contains extensive biographical and genealogical information about every family who settled in Maine and New Hampshire prior to 1699. Births, mar­riages, and deaths are listed through the third and some­times fourth generation. Sketches also include data on places of origin, residences, wills and deeds, court cases, and careers. Originally published in five parts between the years 1928 and 1939, this indispensable resource will save you time and provide you with a greater understand­ing of the area.

Connecticut Historical Collections

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American engraver and historian John Warner Barber (1798-1885) was well known for his books on local, state, and national history. This work, first published in 1857, opens with an outline history of Connecticut and includes several interesting lists (New Haven planters in 1643 and all 127 persons holding land in Hartford in 1639, for example), as well as statistical tables from the 1840 and 1850 census. The content is then arranged by county in the order in which they were created: Hartford; New Haven; New London; Fairfield; Windham; Litchfield; Middlesex; and, finally, Tolland.

Chronicles of the Pilgrim Fathers of the Colony of Plymouth, From 1602 to 1625

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In this 1841 publication, Young has gathered a number of lengthy documents covering the history of the Pilgrim Church in Scrooby and Leiden, the transfer of part of that congregation to New England in the 1620s, and the early history of the new plantation at Plymouth. Narratives were composed by William Bradford, Edward Winslow, and Robert Cushman, all of whom were participants in the events portrayed.

Alexander Young

Foreword by Robert Charles Anderson, FASG

6 x 9 paperback, 504 pages

Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, From 1623 to 1636

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Originally published in 1846, Young’s compilation of two dozen contemporaneous documents depict the preparations for the settlement of Massachusetts Bay Colony, the migration process itself, and some events from the early years of settlement. A key source for eyewitness accounts of the founding of Massachusetts Bay Colony in the late 1620s and early 1630s.

By Alexander Young

Foreword by Robert Charles Anderson, FASG

6 x 9 paperback, 572 pages

Tracing Your Westmeath Ancestors

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Trace your Irish roots to a specific city and county with these handy guides. Learn what kind of records you will find, and where and how you can access them. Well-illustrated with maps, sample records, and other relevant material, each volume also includes a comprehensive index.