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17th Century
Records and Research

Mining Homestead Records

The Homestead Act of 1862 encouraged mass settlement of federal lands in the frontier, resulting in millions of records documenting the transfer of public land to private ownership. Learn how these land entry case files can assist in researching your homesteading ancestors.

18th Century
Records and Research

18th-Century Research: A City at War (New York City)

Much of New York City’s history in the 18th-century is closely tied with that of conflict: from the base of British operations during the French and Indian War to the center of the New York Campaign during the American Revolution. This lecture looks at just some of the many records of the era—pre- and post-American independence—including military records, tax lists, census records, newspapers, city directories, and more.

American Ancestors

Using External Databases on

Did you know that American Ancestors members can access databases published by other organizations for free? Discover external databases, an under-utilized yet invaluable resource for conducting your online family history research.

Records and Research

Using and Understanding Civil Death Records

This lecture will cover civil death records—what information they include, how to find them, and how to follow clues to ancestral stories. Our genealogist will also discuss how to interpret and evaluate the information provided by considering the informant listed, cause of death, and more.

20th Century

Muster Up! Researching WWI and WWII Veterans

A discussion of the different record sets for WWI and WWII will be discussed including draft registration cards, enlistment records, official military personnel files, muster rolls, and more. There will also be a discussion on alternative records to be used for Army and Air Force records destroyed in the 1973 fire.

US - Midwestern States
US - New England
US - Southern States
16th Century
17th Century
18th Century
19th Century
Records and Research

Researching Enslaver's Records to Find Your Enslaved Family

This class will include the different types of record sets that enslavers may name enslaved persons (including probate records, land deeds, court records, and more). A brief case study will be discussed.

US - Migrations
18th Century
19th Century
20th Century

Westward Migration, 1783-1900

The 19th and 20th centuries in America are a period of mass migration across the country. This class will discuss the push-pull factors that defined this era, the opening of the West, how advances in transportation aided our ancestor’s migration, and how federal policies encouraged the expansion of settlement. 

Records and Research

Verifying Descent and Applying to Lineage Societies

Whether you want to apply to a lineage society (such as the General Society of Colonial Wars, the Colonial Dames of America, Order of Founders and Patriots of America, etc.) or simply want to prove your descent from a colonial war veteran, this final class will provide you with key strategies, resources, and alternative records for verifying—and documenting—your colonial connection. 

US - New England
Records and Research

Beyond the Vitals: Using New England Town Records

Town records from New England can contain a wealth of genealogical information. These records can contain records of births, marriages, burials, mortgages, name changes, and more that can help you fill in the details of your ancestor's life. This webinar delves into this important resource for New England and demonstrates how you may get the most out of these records for your own family history.