Scott Andrew Bartley
This is the third installment in a series of articles about published Vermont town histories containing genealogical sections. These articles will cover all published histories to 2002. The entries below are in alphabetical order by town. Following the citation for each town history is an alphabetical list of all surnames included in the history. A future installment will rearrange the material and provide a comprehensive surname index to all published Vermont town histories that feature a genealogical section.
Previous installments of this series are as follows:
Part one was published June 2002 and covered the towns Albany to Brattleboro. (The introduction of part one summarizes the history of printing in Vermont and identifies a few of the earliest and most notable Vermont town histories.)
Part two was published July 2002 and covered Brookfield to Isle La Motte
The installment that follows covers the towns Jamaica to Pittsford.
Warren E. Booker, Historical Notes: Jamaica, Windham County, Vermont (Brattleboro, Vt., 1940), p. 173-211, indexed.
Allen, Bemis, Benson, Bolster, Boynton, Butler, Castle, Chamberlain, Chapin, Cheney, Clark, Clayton, Coleman, Connoly, Crowninshield, Daggett, Dodge, Eddy, Felton, Foskett, Fuller, Garfield, Gleason, Grout, Hamilton, Hayward, Hazelton, Hefflon, Henderson, Holton, Hosley, Howard, Howe, Jones, Kingsbury, Knight(s), Knowlton, Landman, Linscott, Livermore, Lowe, McLean, Monroe, Mowrey, Muzzy, Newell, Perry, Pierce, Pike, Rawson, Robbins, Robinson, Rogers, Ryder, Sage, Sherwin, Shumway, Skinner, Smith, Sprague, Stark, Stephens, Stone, Styles, Twing, Twitchell, Van Ness, Vey, Waite, Waterman, Wheeler, White, Wilder, Williams, Wolcott, Wolf, Wood, Wright, Young.
Chauncey H. Hayden, Luther C. Stevens, LaFayette Wilbur, and S. H. Barnum, eds., The History of Jericho, Vermont (Burlington, Vt., 1916; rep. 1989), p. 361-665.
Abbott, Adrien, Aldrich, Atchinson, Babcock, Balch, Ballard, Barber, Barney, Barnum, Barrett, Bartlett, Bass, Batchelder, Bates, Benedict, Benham, Bentley, Bicknell, Bishop, Bissonette, Blackman, Bliss, Blodgett, Bolger, Booth, Bostwick, Brigham, Brown, Bruce, Bullock, Burdick, Buxton, Byington, Carroll, Castle, Chambers, Chapin, Chittenden, Choate, Church, Cilley, Clapp, Clark, Costello, Crane, Cunningham, Curtis, Davis, Day, Dickinson, Dixon, Douglas, Edwards, Eldridge, Elliot, Fay, Field, Fish, Fitzgerald, Fitzsimonds, Flynn, Ford, Foster, French, Fuller, Gaines, Gallup, Galusha, Gibson, Gleason, Gloyd, Gomo, Goodhue, Graves, Gravlin, Griffin, Hale, Hall, Hapgood, Haskins, Hatch, Hawley, Hayden, Haylette, Herrick, Hilton, Hoskins, Hovey, Howe, Hulburd, Humphrey, Hunt, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Irish, Jackson, Jock, Johnson, Jordan, Joy, Kinney, Kirby, Knight, Ladeau, Lane, Leary, Lee, Lincoln, Lowrey, Lyman, Macomber, Marsh, Martin, McGee, McGinnis, McKeefe, McLaughlin, Messenger, Metcalf, Monroe, Moran, Morse, Moulton, Myette, Nash, Nay, Nealy, Nichols, Oakes, Orr, Packard, Palmer, Paradee, Parker, Pease, Percival, Porter, Powell, Pratt, Prouty, Puffer, Ransom, Rawson, Reddy, Reed, Ring, Rockwood, Rood, Roscoe, Russell, Schillhammer, Scribner, Shaw, Shiner, Sinclair, Smith, Spaulding, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Sturges, Sweeney, Tarbox, Terrill, Thomson, Tobin, Townsend, Vancor, Varney, Vasterling, Wall, Warner, Whitcomb, White, Whitmarsh, Whitney, Whitton, Wilbur, Wilder, Willard, Williams, Wood, Wright.
Elinor I. Merle, The History of Jericho Vermont: Volume Two (Burlington, Vt., 1963), p. 96-301. The four families out of alphabetical order marked with *.
Adrien, Aldinger, Alexander, Andrews, Ayer, Badore, Barber, Barrett, Bartlett, Bennett, Bentley, Bicknell, Bigelow, Bister, Bixby, Blades, Bogue, Bradish, Breen, Brigham, Brown (in two places, one *), Brunell, Brush, Burbank, Buxton, Buzzell, Byington, Cady, Carr, Carrier, Carroll, Cashmore, Catella, Church, Clark, Cochran, Cook, Corlis, Cosmi, Cross, Curtis, Daignault, Davis, Day, Degroot, DeThestrup, Dunkling, Eddy, Eldridge, Farrell, Fay, Fenn, Fitzsimonds, Fleming, Fllod, Foster, Fuller, Gardner, Garland, Gile, Gittleson, Gleason, Godfrey, Gomo, Goodhue, Gore, Gregory, Hahn, Hanley, Haylette*, Hebert, Henry, Hoskins, Hotchkiss, Howe, Huessy, Hulburd, Hunt, Hutchinson, Irish, Isham, Jacobs, Jameson, Jordan, Joy, Keith, Kellogg, Kimball, King, Kinney, Kinsley, Kittell, Knapp, Knickerbocker, Krewet, LaBrie, Ladeau, Lapointe, Lawrence, Leary, Lincoln, Lindner, Mallow, Maloney, Manor, Marshall, Mayers, McCabe, McLaughlin, McClure, McGinnis, Michaels, Miller, Mills, Moiles, Montague, Moran, Morse, Morse, Moulton, Murphy, Nash, Nealy, Nichols, Nolin, Norton, Owen, Packard, Parrow, Percival, Perrigo, Pettingill, Phillips, Picard, Place, Post, Potter, Poulin, Powell, Pratt, Priest, Ransom, Rice, Ringwig, Rotunda, Rounds, Safford, St. Denis, Sawyer, Schafer, Schillhammer, Schmoll, Schweig, Scribner*, Shaw, Sherman, Shiner, Simard, Sinclair, Smith, Spencer, Squires, Starbird, Stiles, Story, Strang, Stricker, Stygles, Swan, Sweeney, Tarbox, Thompson, Thurston, Tillotson, Townsend, Trieb, Valyou, Varney, Vogelmann, Walston, Ward, Whitcomb, White, Wilbur, Wilder, Willard, Williams, Wisell, Wood, Woodruff, Wright, Yantz*, Zwynenburg.
Fontaine Martin, The Landgrove Meetinghouse: A Cross Section of Landgrove, Vermont, History (New Orleans, La., 1981), “Landgrove’s Early Settlers,” p. 20-30 [marked by *]; “The Clark Family, The Mills; and Clarksville,” 53-69; and “Biographical Notes: The Original Owners … Pews…,” 97-121.
Abbott, Allen (and *), Arnold, Bailey, Barber, Batchelder (and *), Bolster, Brown, Carpenter*, Clark, Coolidge, Davis, Emerson, Fenn, Granger, Hesseltine, Hildreth*, Holt, Jenkins, Lampson, Mead, Moore, Reynolds, Richardson, Shaw, Smith, Stevens, Stiles, Stone, Swallow, Thomson, Tuthill*, Tuttle, Utley*, Way, Wiley (and *), Woodward.
Marion M. Daley, History of Lemington, Vermont (Colebrook, N.H., 1976), p. 37-64, * means out of alphabetical order.
Blodgett, Covell, Daley*, DeForest*, Gray, Holbrook, Hugh*, Lyman, O’Neill, Ramsay.
Addison E. Cudsworth, The History with Genealogical Sketches of Londonderry (Montpelier, Vt., 1936), p. 111-200, indexed (only lists surnames of genealogies).
Aiken, Allen, Arnold, Babbitt, Buxton, Chaffee, Cochran, Cole, Cox, Davis, Gibson, Goddard, Hasey, Hooker, Hopkins, How(e), McMurphy, Montgomery, Oughterson, Patterson, Pierce, Rogers, Stowell, Thom(p)son, Wait(e), Warner, Whtiman.
Joseph N. Harris, History of Ludlow Vermont (Charlestown, N.H., 1949), biographical sketches (though not thorough genealogical ones) under the headings “First Settlers” [noted with *] p. 78-82, and “Business Men,” p. 200-233, with many photographs.
Adams, Agan, Archibald, Armington, Barrett, Ballard, Ball, Bixby, Bridges, Brown, Bryant, Cooledge, Davies, Dennett, Fletcher*, Ford, Fullam, Gill, Goddard, Hammond, Hathorn, Hill, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Keating, Knights, Lamere, Levey, Lockwood, Parker, Patrick, Pettigrew, Raymond, Sargent, Sherman, Smith, Spaulding*, Stickney, Walker, Warner, Warren*, Wheldon, Woodward.
Ephraim H. Newton, The History of the Town of Marlborough Windham County Vermont (Montpelier, Vt., 1930), p. 127-278, indexed.
Adams, Allen, Ames, Augur, Ayres, Bailey, Ball, Ballou, Barney, Bartlett, Bellows, Bemis, Bingham, Bishop, Bissell, Blake, Blanchard, Brayman, Briant, Brittan, Brooks, Brown, Bruce, Carpenter, Chamberlin, Charter, Chase, Church, Clark, Clisbee, Closson, Cobleigh, Collins, Cone, Cook, Corse, Crosby, Cushman, Cutler, Day, Dean, Dunklee, Farnum, Fessenden, Fisher, Fox, Freeman, French, Gilbert, Giles, Goodell, Gould, Gregg, Grimes, Grout, Hale, Halladay, Hamilton, Harris, Hatch, Healy, Higley, Hill, Hillard, Hollister, Horton, Houghton, Howard, Howe, Hubbard, Huntley, Hyde, Ingram, Irvine, Jacobs, Jenks, Johnson, Jones, Kelley, Kelsey, Kimball, King, Kingsbury, Knapp, Knights, Laribee, Lawrence, Leonard, Luce, Ludden, Lyman, Lynde, Mather, May, Meriam, Merrifield, Miller, Mixer, Morell, Morgan, Needham, Newton, Nichols, Olds, Paddleford, Parks, Paul, Perry, Person, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pitman, Powers, Pratt, Prentice, Priest, Prouty, Quinn, Rich, Robinson, Ross, Samson, Sawtell, Seymour, Sheldon, Smith, Snow, Sperry, Sprague, Stearns, Stockwell, Stratton, Strong, Swan, Taylor, Thayer, Thomas, Tomlin, Towne, Tucker, Tyler, Underwood, Very, Warren, Wells, Whitaker, White, Whitmore, Whitney, Williams, Willis, Winchester, Winslow, Worden, Yeaw.
Ozias C. Pitkin and Fred E. Pitkin, History of Marshfield, Vt. (mimeographed, 1941) [Note: At Vermont Historical Society, Barre, Vt.; in Boston: Boston Public Library, New England Historic Genealogical Society, Massachusetts Society of Mayflower Descendants], p. 95-308, alphabetical (for the most part).
Austin, Amdion, Barnes, Bailaw, Bassett, Batchelder, Bean, Bemis, Benjamin, Benton, Blake, Bliss, Bolles, Boyles, Brown, Bullock, Burnham, Buxton, Cameron, Carlton, Carpenter, Cole, Croteau, Darling, Davis, Dodge, Dow, Dunkling, Duke, Dwinell, Edson, English, Ennis, Felix, Folsom, Gill, Gilman, Glidden, Goodwin, Gove, Grant, Graves, Greeley, Hall, Hamilton, Haskins, Hayes, Hicks, Hill, Hobart, Hollister, Holt, Houghton, Hudson, Huntington, Ide, Jack, Jacobs, Jacquith, Johnson, Ketchum, Laird, Lamberton, Lewis, Linton, Lombard, Loveland, Lunge, Lyndes, Martin, May, McCrillis, Mears, Morrill, Nasmith, Newton, Norris, Nownes, Ormsbee, Orton, Osgood, Packer, Peabody, Perry, Phelps, Pike, Pitkin, Porter, Potter, Powers, Pratt, Preston, Putnam, Roberts, Robinson, Sanborn, Shepard, Sicely, Smith, Spencer, St. John, Storrs, Sulham, Tanner, Tibbetts, Wells, Wheeler, Willis, Wilson, Winch, Wood, Woodcock, Wooster, York, Young.
W. R. Branthoover and Sara Taylor, Montgomery, Vermont: The History of a Town (Burlington, Vt., 1976), p. 127-151, alphabetical.
Allen, Ariel, Bailey, Barrows, Bradford, Bradley, Brissett, Bundy, Bush, Carpenter, Campbell, Clark, Clapp, Combs, Comstock, Corse, Cressey, Crook, Crossett, Davis, Dunham, Dwyer, Farnsworth, Fassett, Foster, Fuller, Furnald, Gates, Goff, Goodspeed, Green, Hamilton, Head, Hemphill, Hendrick, Holmes, Hopkins, House, Hoyt, Hume, Janes, Jewett, Johnson, Kelton, Kingsley, Larow, Learned, Lusk, Manosh, Mansfield, Marcy, Martin, Marvin, Mason, McGowan, Messier, Millard, Miller, Moore, Morgan, Nichols, Nutting, Paine, Parker, Parks, Peek, Phelps, Porter, Pratt, Rawson, Richardson, Ripley, Robbins, Rochefort, Rousseau, Russell, Sampson, Scott, Searle, Sherman, Shina, Smith, Stevens, Stiles, Stutson, Swan, Tarble, Taylor, Thomas, Tillison, Upham, Wade, Watkins, Wellman, Westover, Wheeler, Wilkins, Wood, Woodward, Wright.
History of Monkton Vermont: 1734-1961 (S.l., 1961?), randomly placed sketches and “Early Settlers” section, p. 34-37.
Barnum (and p. 20), Beckweth, Beers, Bishop (p. 14), Cox, Dart, Drake, Ferguson, Ferris, Finney, Haight, Hitchcock, Jewell, Ladd, Lyman, Smith, Stone, Wheaton.
Carroll R. Tarbell, History of Mount Holly, Vermont (S.l., 1987), “Biographies,” p. 263-301, manuscript index.
Armstrong, Baldwin, Balestra, Barrett, Bishop, Bootman, Bryant, Burton, Chadburn, Chase, Clark, Colburn, Cole, Cook, Crowley, Dana, Davenport, Devereux, Dickerman, Dow, Fletcher, Freeman, Hammond, Hatch, Holden, Horton, Hoskison, Jackson, Johnson, Lackey, Lord, Marshall, Moor, Morton, Newton, Packer, Parker, Parmenter, Peck, Pinney, Priest, Proctor, Richards, Russell, Sprague, Stuart, Tarbell, Tucker, Whalen, Winslow.
Frederic P. Wells, History of Newbury, Vermont, from the Discovery of the Coös Country to the Present Time (St. Johnsbury, Vt., 1902; rep. Littleton, N.H., 1975), p. 419-743, separate index for genealogies.
Abbott, Adams, Aitkin, Allen, Allison, Arthur, Atkinson, Atwood, Austin, Avery, Bailey, Bayley, Baldwin, Banfield, Bannister, Barnett, Barker, Bartlett, Bates, Berry, Bigelow, Balir, Bliss, Bone, Bowen, Boyce, Boynton, Brickett, Brock, Brown, Buck, Buell, Buchanan, Burbank, Burnham, Burroughs, Burton, Butler, Butterfield, Buxton, Campbell, Carbee, Chalmers, Carelton, Carter, Chadwick, Chamberlain, Chapman, Cheney, Clark, Cobleigh, Coburn, Cochrane, Colburn, Corliss, Corruth, Crosby, Currier, Cushing, Daily, Davis, Dean, Deming, Doe, Davenport, Douglass, Dow, Dowse, Dunbar, Eastman, Edwards, Emerson, English, Farnham, Farrand, Farwell, Fisk, Fleming, Ford, Foreman (Farman), Foster, Fowler, Fuller, Fulton, Fury, Gamsby, Gardner, Garland, George, Gibson, Gilmore, Goddard, Goodwin, Gould, Grant, Greig, Grow, Hale, Halley, Haseltine, Hatch, Hatch, Heath, Henderson, Hibbard, Hoisington, Holmes, Howland, Hoyt, Hunter, Ingalls, James, Jenne, Jewell, Jewett, Johnson, Johnston, Jonson, Kasson, Kelley, Kendrick, Kent, Keyes, Kimball, King, Knight, Ladd, Laing, Lang, Leavitt, Learned, Leet, Leighton, Leslie, Lindsey, Little, Lockhead, Lovewell, Lumsden, Marcy, Martin, McAllister, McIndoe, McKeith, McKinstry, McLeod, McNab, Meader, Mellen, Merrill, Meserve, Metcalf, Mills, Minard, Moore, Morse, Moulton, Munsell, Nelson, Niles, Nourse, Olmsted, Page, Parker, Patterson, Peach, Porter, Powers, Prescott, Prouty, Putnam, Quimby, Randall, Reed, Reid, Renfrew, Ricker, Ritchie, Robinson, Rogers, Rollins, Ropes, Ross, Ruggles, Runnels, Russell, Sawyer, Scales, Scott, Shedd, Sheldon, Shepard, Shurtleff, Sias, Sly, Smith, Stebbins, Stevens, Stocker, Sulham, Sutherland, Swasey, Sylvester, Taplin, Taisey, Temple, Tenney, Terry, Tewksbury, Thomas, Thompson, Tucker, Tuttle, Thrall, Underwood, Waddell, Waldron, Wallace, Watkins, Watson, Webber, Webster, Weed, Wells, Westgate, Wheeler, Wheelock, Whitcher, White, Whitelaw, Whitman, Wiggin, Willoughy, Wilson, Witherspoon, Wylie.
History of Newbury, Vermont 1900 to 1977 (Bradford, Vt., 1978), p. 423-575, indexed (does not include genealogies).
Abbott, Alger, Angell, Appleton, Atwood, Bailey, Baldwin, Barnett, Bayley, Behrends, Benzie, Blackmer, Bobbit, Booraem, Boyce, Brock, Bromley, Brown, Buck, Burnham, Burroughs, Buswell, Callahan, Cameron, Carleton, Carlson, Carpenter, Chamberlain, Chapman, Chubbuck, Clark, Clifford, Cline, Cobb, Colbeth, Coons, Cox, Darling, Dodd, Doe, Donnally, DuBois, Dutton, Eastman, Ebeling, Emerson, Fisk, Fleming, Fuller, Gibson, Gilson, Goble, Gochey, Goodwin, Gould, Graves, Greer, Hale, Halley, Hanson, Harmon, Hastings, Hayward, Heath, Hebb, Henderson, Hibbard, Hildreth, Hinman, Hoar, Holmes, Hooker, Howland, Humphrey, Jarrell, Jock, Johnson, King, Kjellerup, Knight, Kunz, Lackie, Lasell, Laturnau, Leete, Leighton, Mace, Marsh, Martin, Meara, Meyette, Minshull, Nelson, Norris, Olmstead, Osborne, Page, Placey, Plummer, Powers, Putnam, Randall, Reid, Renfrew, Rhoads, Richardson, Rogers, Rollins, Rowell, Runnels, Rutledge, Sherwin, Smith, Southworth, Spear, Stevesn, Stone, Sulham, Swenson, Sylvester, Taggart, Temple, Tewksbury, Thomas, Thompson, Thurston, Titus, Tucker, Tyler, Urquhart, Vervoort, Vielleux, Warden, Webster, Welch, Wells, Wheeler, Whitcher, White, Whitman, Whitney, Wiilaims.
Centennial Proceedings and Other Historical Facts Relating to Newfane, the County Seat of Windham County, Vermont (Brattleboro, Vt., 1877), “Biographical Sketches,” p. 34-97 [in no order], and “Family Genealogies,” p. 155-176 [noted with *].
Allen, Birchard, Crosby, Eager, Field (in several places and *), Fisher, Grout, Holland, Kenney, Kimball, Knowlton (in several places and *), Morse*, Newton, Park*, Robinson, Stedman*, Taylor (and *), Warren, Wheeler (in two places), Williams (in two places).
Emily M. Nelson, Frontier Crossroads: The People of Newport , Vermont (Canaan, N.H., 1978, being vol. 2). Sketches of varying types dispersed in geographical sections of the book, indexed.
Adams, Angier, Ball, Bartlett, Beadle, Bean, Blake (two places), Bowley, Brady, Buzzell, Connal, Cummings, Cutting, Daggett, Dane, Davis, Erwin, Farrant, Gilman, Goodrich, Green (two places), Hall, Hamblett, Hammond, Hibbardd, Hildreth, Holbrook, Hopkinson, Horton, Hoskins, Hoyt, Kendall, Kilby, Lane, Larabee, Loverin, Lyon, Maxfield, McClary, Meacham, Miller, Morse (two places), Niles, Norris, Porter, Pratt, Prouty, Richmond, Robinson (three places), Sias, Scott (two places), Sherman, Sleeper, Smith, Stevens, Stickney, Whipple, White, Wilson, Wright.
John Gregory, 1776. 1876. Centennial Proceedings and Historical Incidents of the Early Settlers of Northfield, Vt., with Biographical Sketches of Prominent Business Men Who Have Been and Are Now Residents of the Town (Montpelier, Vt., 1878), “Biographical Sketches,” p. 58-231 (no order, surname can be in more than one place, so check table of contents in back).
Adams, Ainsworth, Allen, Amidon, Averill, Balch, Bennett, Blake, Blodgett, Blood, Bowman, Bradford, Braley, Briggs, Brooks, Brown, Buck, Burnham, Burrell, Cady, Carlton, Carpenter, Claggett, Clark, Closson, Cobleigh, Coburn, Cochran, Davis, Denny, Dewey, Dole, Dunham, Dunsmoor, Eastman, Edgerton, Edson, Eggleston, Emerson, Field, Fisk, Frizzle, Fullerton, Gallup, Gilbert, Gold, Goss, Gould, Green, Gregory, Hadley, Hassam, Hatch, Hedges, Henry, Holton, Howe, Jenks, Jenness, Johnson, Jones, Joyce, Kathan, Keith, Keyes, King, Knapp, Lane, Latham, Leonard, Little, Loomis, Martyn, Mayo, McClearn, McIntosh, Morse, Mosely, Nichols, Newton, Orcutt, Paine, Parker, Partridge, Paul, Pike, Plastridge, Plumley, Pope, Porter, Randall, Rice, Richardson, Richmond, Robinson, Royce, Sawin, Shaw, Sheldon, Shipman, Simonds, Slade, Smith, Starkweather, Steele, Tilden, Thayer, Thresher, Tucker, Tubbs, Tyler, Wales, Warner, Weatherbee, Webster, West, White, Whittaker, Whitten, Williams, Winch, Worthington, Wright.
Allen L. Stratton, History of the Town of North Hero, Vermont: An Account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Interesting and Remarkable Events (Burlington, Vt., 1976), “Biographical,” p. 175-199, and miscellaneous pages, use “Index – Subject” under biographical sketches to locate other pages.
Allen, Butler, Clap, Clark, Dodds, Hathaway, Haynes, Hazen, Hibbard, Hutchins, Keeler, Knight, Ladd, Robinson, Tracy, Tudhope, Wadsworth, Woods.
M. E. Goddard and Henry V. Partridge, A History of Norwich Vermont (Hanover, N.H., 1905), “Biographical,” p. 163-252, surname index to this section.
Baxter, Blaisdell, Boardman, Brown, Buck, Burton, Bush, Brigham, Coit, Colvocoresses, Converse, Cook, Curtis, Cushman, David, Dutton, Emerson, Goddard, Hatch, Hutchinson, Johnson, Lewis, Lord, Loveland, Messenger, Murdock, Newton, Nichols, Olcott, Partridge, Potter, Ransom, Richards, Seaver, Sargent, Sawyer, Stimson, Twitchell, Waterman, Williston, Wright.
Hiel Hollister, Pawlet for One Hundred Years (Albany, N.Y., 1867; rep. Pawlet, Vt., 1976), “Family Sketches,” p. 155-267 [notes far out of order *].
Ackely*, Adams (two places), Alexander, Allen, Andrus, Andrews, Armstrong, Arnold, Averill, Baker, Balderidge, Baldwin, Barden, Beall, Bardwell, Barrett, Bates, Beebe, Beecher, Bennett, Betts, Bidwell, Bigart, Blakely, Blossom, Bonney, Brace, Branch, Brewster, Bromley, Bostwick, Boynton, Brown, Burch, Burt, Burton, Busbee, Bushnell, Carpenter, Carver, Chipman, Clark, Cleveland, Cobb, Cole, Colvin, Conant, Cook, Cowdrey, Crapo, Crocker, Crosby, Crouch, Culver, Curtis, Cushman, Day, Dean, Denison, Derby, Dillingham, Dyer, Edgerton, Evans, Everest, Fairfield, Farrar, Fay, Finney, Fitch, Folger, Gibbs, Gifford, Giles, Goodspeed, Graves, Green, Gregory, Griswold, Guild, Hall, Hanks, Harmon, Harwood, Hascall, Hastings, Hawkins, Henry, Hill, Hitt, Hollister, Hopkins, Hosford, Houghton, Hulett, Hurlbut, Hutchins, Hyde, Jennings, Johnson, Jones, Judson, Kiernan, Kinghts, Lampson, Lay, Leach, Lincoln, Loomis, Lounsberry, Lumbard, Lyon, Maher, Marshall, Marks, Martin, Maosn, McFadden, McNaughton, McWain, Meacham, Meigs, Menona (Indian), Moffitt, Monroe, Montague, Moore, Norton, Nye, Olds, Orcutt, Orr, Orvis, Parris, Pearl, Penfield, Pepper, Perkins, Phelps, Pitkin, Plumb, Pomroy, Porter, Potter, Pratt, Prescott, Purple, Randall, Reed, Reynolds, Rice, Robinson, Rollins, Rose, Safford, Sargent, Sheldon, Shepherd (Shipherd), Sherman, Simonds, Smith, Snell, Soullard, Spencer, Squier, Staples, Stark, Stearns, Stevens, Stewart, Stoddard, Stone, Stratton, Streeter, Strong, Swift, Sykes, Taylor, Thompson, Toby, Todd, Tyron, Upham, Utley, Viets, Wade, Wallace, Walker, Warner, Warriner, Weed, Weeks, Welch, Whedon, Wilcox, Wickham, Wheeler, Whitcomb, Whitcomb, Willard, Willey, Williams, Willis, Winchester, Wiseman, Wood, Wooster, Wright.
Jennie Chamberlain Watts and Elsie A. Choate, People of Peacham (Montpelier, Vt., 1965), indexed.
Abbott, Achilles, Adams, Aiken, Ainsworth, Alcott, Allen, Ambros, Ames, Andrews, Annis(e), Armstrong, Ash, Ashford, Astle, Atkins, Atwell, Avery, Babcock, Bailey, Balaw (Baylor), Bandy, Barnes, Barnett, Barnham, Barrett, Barney, Bartlett, Batchelder, Bates, Baxendale, Beal, Bean, Beckley, Belville, Bennett, Berry, Berwick, Bigelow, Bickford, Bingham, Blair, Balke, Blanchard, Bladel, Bliss, Blodgett, Bloss, Bolster, Bolton, Boutelle, Bovee, Bowers, Boynton, Bradlee, Bradley, Brainard, Brickett, Brock, Brooks, Brown, Brownell, Bruce, Buckminster, Buel, Buner, Burbank, Burns, Buswell, Butson, Byington, Cady, Cahill, Calder, Cambridge, Cameron, Capron, Carpneter, Carr, Carter, Cassady, Cavanaugh, Chaffee, Chamberlain, Chandler, Chappelle, Chapman, Chase, Chassell, Choate, Churchill, Cilley, Clark, Clay, Clisby, Coates, Cobb, Colburn, Cole, Colby, Collins, Conant, Cooley, Cook, Cotes, Cowan, Cowles, Craig, Crandall, Crocker, Cross, Crossman, Crown, Cummings, Cunningham, Currier, Dailey, Dana, Danforth, Daniels, Darling, Davidson, Davis, Davison, Dennison, Donaldson, Douglas, Doty, Douse, Dow, Drew, Drown, Duber, Dubois (Dubea), Dubray, Dudley, Dunbar, Dunn, Dunnett, Durgan, Eames, Eastman, Eaton, Edwards, Eddy, Elkins, Elliot, Emerson, Emery, Esden, Evans, Ewell, Fairchild, Farley, Farnham (Farnum), Farr, Farrington, Farrow, Ferguson, Field, Fife, Findlay, Fisk, Fitzgerald, Flint, Ford, Foster, French, Fuller, Gates, Gerould, Gibson, Gifford, Gilbert, Gilfillan, Gill, Gillis, Gilman, Gleason, Goodale, Goodenough, Goodnow, Gorham, Goslant, Goss, Gould, Gracey, Graham, Graves, Greenbank, Greenwood, Gregory, Guthrie, Guy, Hacket, Halcrow, Hale, Hall, Hand, Hardy, Harriman, Harris, Harvey, Haskell, Haskins (Hoskins), Hastie, Hatch, Hawes, Hawkins, Hay, Heath, Heaton, Hebblethwaite, Henderson, Hendry, Herrick, Herrin, Hicks, Hidden, Higgins, Hight, Hill, Hinman, Hitchcock, Hobart, Hold, Hollyday, Holmes, Hooker, Hopkins, Houghton, Howe, Hoxie, Hoyt, Hubbard, Hunt, Hunter, Hurd, Hutchins, Hutchinson, Hutton, Ingalls, Ingraham, Inman, James, Jamieson, Jennis, Jennison, Jenyns, Johnson, Jones, Kavanaugh, Keenan, Kellogg, Kennerson (Kinerson), Keyes, Kidder, Kimball, King, Knapp, Knox, Lackie, Ladd, Lagessey, Laird, Lakeman, LaLene, Lamb, Lang, Langmaid, Lathrop, Lawrence, Lee, Lemrise, Linsley, Little, Livingston, Loveland, Lowe, Lowell, Lucas, Lyford, Lynds, Lyndsay, Mann, Marsh, Mackay, Martin, Martyn, Massey, Mathews, Mattocks, Meader, Mears, Melvin, Merchant, Merrill, Merritt, Metcalfe, Miles, Miller, Milligan, Minakuchi, Miner, Moody, Moore, Morey, Morgan, Morse, Morrill, Morrison, Moulton, Munger, Munroe, Murphy, McBride, McClary, McClung, McColl, McDaniel, McDonald, McFarlane, McKeith, McLachlin, McLaughlin (McGlothlin), Mclellan, McPhee, McQuillis, Neal, Needham, Newell, Norris, Northrop, Northy, Nunn, Nute, Ordway, Orr, Osgood, Otis, Owen(s), Page, Paine, Palmer, Pangborn, Paquin, Parker, Pascal, Patterson, Pattridge (Partridge), Paul, Paye, Payette, Peak, Pearl, Pearson, Peck, Pelletier, Pennington, Percy, Petrie, Pettingill, phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Pillsbury, Pitkin, Plaisted, Pollard, Poor, Porter, Powers, Pratt, Prentiss, Preston, Putnam, Putney, Quimby, Ramsay, Randall, Ray, Redington, Renfrew, Reynolds, Richardson, Richter, Ricker, Rix, Robbins, Robinson, Rockwell, Rogers, Ross, Rowe, Rowell, Runnels, Russel, Sampson, Sargent, Sartwell, Sawyer, Scales, Schoolcraft, Scott, Semple, Shatney, Shaw, Shedd, Shepard, Shields, Skeele, Smart, Smith, Snow, Somers, Soule, Spence, Spencer, Steele, Stevens, Stevenson, Stewart, Stillwell, Stockwell, Stoddard, Strobridge, Stuart, Sturdevant, Sullivan, Sumner, Sweet, Taft, Taylor, Thayer, Thomas, Thompson, Thorn, Thresher, Tower, Trussell, Tuttle, Urin, Walbridge, Waldo, Walker, Walton, Warden, Ware, Warner, Washburn, Waterman, Watson, Watts, Way, Weeks, Welch, Wells, Wesson, West, Wheeler, Whitaker, White, Whitehill, Whiting, Wilbur, Wild, Willey, Williams, Williston, Wilkins, Wilson, Winter, Wood, Woods, Woodward, Worcester, Young.
Ira K. Batchelder, Reunion Celebration together with an Historical Sketch of Peru, Bennington County, Vermont, and Its Inhabitants from the First Settlement of the Town (Brattleboro, Vt., 1891), “Early Settlers,” p. 27-82. They are in geographical order with no headings beyond “Children of _____”.
Adams (in two places), Aldrich, Ballard, Barnard (in two places), Batchelder (in four places), Bennett (in two places), Bigelow (in two places), Brown, Bryant, Burt, Butterfield, Byard, Carlton, Chandler, Clark, Coolidge, Davidson, Davis (in two places), Densmore, Dudley, Farnum, Gould (in two places), Green, Hapgood (in two places), Howard, Jackson, Lakin, Lampson, Lincoln, Long, Lyon, McMullen, Mellendy, Messenger, Nourse, Phillips, Polly, Priest, Rider, Roby, Russell (in two places), Sawyer (in two places), Simonds (in two places), Smith, Stiles, Stone (in three places), Tuttle, Wait, Walker, Warren, Whitney (in four places), Williams, Wyman (in two places).
A. M. Caverly, History of the Town of Pittsford, Vt., with Biographical Sketches and Family Records (Rutland, Vt., 1872; rep. Pittsford, Vt., 1976), nine chapters on immigrants by decade, p. 184-525, and “Family Records,” p. 690-731, limited index (does not include “Family Records”) [noted by *, and in both by +].
Adams+, Alexander+, Allen, Andrews+, Angier, Anthony, Armington*, Atwood, Austin*, Avery, Bailey, Barlow+, Barnard+, Barnes+, Bates+, Baxter, Beals, Bean, Blair+, Boardman+, Bogue+, Booth, Bowen, Bradley+, Bresee+, Brewster, Brophy, Brown+, Buck+, Bucknam+, Buel, Burditt+, Burr+, Butler+, Butterfield, Carpenter+, Carr, Carrigan*, Caverly, Chaffee+, Chapman, Child*, Chingreau+, Chittenden, Clark, Clifford+, Colburn+, Cooley+, Conant, Connell, Cotting+, Cox+, Craft, Crampton, Crippen+, Darling+, Davis, Deming, Dickerman*, Dike+, Dimick, Din, Dooling*, Douglas*, Drake, Drury+, Duffy+, Dunklee+, Dunlap+, Dutton, Eayres+, Eckley+, Eddy, Elliott+, Ellsworth+, Estey, Ewings+, Fairfield, Falloon+, Fargo, Farr, Fassett+, Fay, Fenn, Fenton+, Field*, Fitzpatrick+, Fletcher+, Gibbs, Gilbert+, Gitchell, Godfrey, Goodnough+, Gorham+, Gould, Granger+, Griffith*, Griswold+, Guilford, Hall+, Hammond+, Harrison+, Hart+, Harwood, Haven, Hawley, Hendee+, Hennessy+, Hewett+, Hewitt+, Hitchcock+, Hopkins+, Horton, Houghton, How(e)+, Howland+, Hudson+, Humphrey+, Ives, Jackson+, Jenner+, Johnson, Jones, June+, Keeler+, Keith, Kelley+, Kellogg, Ketcham*, Kingman+, Kingsley+, Ladd, Lake, Lamb, Lampson, Lathrop+, Lawrence+, Leach+, Lee, Leonard+, Lester, Lincoln, Lothrop+, Loveland+, Lowth+, Lucas, Luther, Maloney, Manley+, Matson, Maynard, McCollum, McEnaney, Meacham+, Mead+, Merriam, Merrill+, Messer+, Millard, Miller, Mills+, Mitchell+, Montague, Moon, Mooney+, Morgan+, Morseman+, Mulligan+, Mullin+, Needham+, Newcomb, Newell+, Nichols+, North+, Nourse, O’Donnel, Olmstead*, Orcutt, Osgood, Owen+, Paine+, Parsons, Palmer+, Parmelee+, Peabody+, Pelkey, Penfield+, Perry*, Phalen+, Phillips+, Pike, Polley, Pond+, Porro*, Potter+, Powers+, Pratt, Preston, Purdy, Putnam+, Rand+, Randall+, Rawson, Ray+, Reynolds, Rice+, Rich, Richardson, Ripley+, Rockwood, Rood+, Rowe*, Rowley+, Rugg, Sanders, Sargent+, Scofield+, Seaman*, Senical, Shaw, Sheldon+, Sherman, Simonds+, Smith+, Spencer, Squire, Stanton, Stark+, Stevens+, Stiles+, Strong+, Sutherland, Taft+, Tedder, Thayer, Thomas+, Tiffany*, Tilson+, Tottingham+, Train, Tuller*, Tupper, Walker+, Walton, Ward+, Warner+, Warren, Waters, Watkins+, Webster, Weed, Wescott, Wheaton+, Wheeler+, Whipple, White+, Whitmore, Whitaker+, Wicker, Williams, Willis, Winslow+, Wolcott+, Wolf, Wood+, Woodcock+, Woodruff, Woodward+, Woolson+, Worden+, Wright.