We offer more than 470 record-based databases to search, containing data from all over the globe. Unique datasets include the Boston Catholic records, the General Society of Mayflower Descendants Applications, and many more.
Digital Collections contains more than a million digitized archival and published materials such as letters, diaries, photographs, newspapers, business records, and other sources for historians and genealogists.
American Ancestors publishes more original scholarship in the field of family history than any other organization.
Find extensive information about the Mayflower passengers, their journey and their lineages, the Wampanoag nation and their culture, and much more in this information-rich website.
Our project traces 8,000 of the descendants of the GU272, the more than 314 men, women, and children sold by Maryland's Jesuit priests in 1838. Use this site to search for an ancestor and to hear the stories of the descendants, and access their family trees.
We offer the only way to search millions of sacramental records from over 100 parishes across greater Boston.