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Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor, by William Halsall

The Basics of Mayflower Research

October 17, 2024 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. ET
Melanie McComb

More than 400 years ago, the Mayflower landed on the shores of Massachusetts with 102 passengers aboard. Today, there are an estimated 35 million Mayflower descendants worldwide. In this online lecture, Senior Genealogist Melanie McComb will discuss the foundations of researching your Mayflower ancestors, including key resources, verifying and documenting your line, applying to the General Society of Mayflower Descendants, and more.

Image Credit: Mayflower in Plymouth Harbor, by William Halsall. Public Domain.

Education and Programming
Melanie McComb
Eastern Canada
Areas of expertise: Irish genealogy, DNA, Atlantic Canada, Jewish genealogy, and military records.